I try not to tell other people about my existential experiences because I don't think most people can handle my infinite being. Let's face it, you might get your mind blown, and I can't handle that responsibility right now. However, on this day, just this once, you are allowed a keyhole glimpse into the 4th dimensional portal that is my psyche. While I can never truly convey my tale with words, or even using the entire realm of human experience, I will do my best. Be warned, traveler: Few have tread the path upon which you are about to embark...

Last night, whilst enjoying a typical somnolent odyssey (you might know them as dreams) in which I was portrayed as a revolutionary teenager in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, I felt a stirring from the outside, and was roused from the progression of the dream narrative. I woke in my parents house, still as an adolescent, but this was a lucid experience where I was controlling my movements, and observing things in this new world with remarkable clarity. I then became aware of my current dream state, and desiring to return to the previous post-apocalyptic sleeping state, I was able to "fall asleep" within the lucid dream. Thenceforth I returned to and eventually finished the dream within a dream. Upon resuming the lucid state, I flew around like Superman for a while (that was my idea), and then decided to wake up fo' real. Obviously, I remembered everything, but I still have a slightly uneasy feeling that I am still in a dream. The burning question: Is this blog real? Maybe I have been dreaming about this whole blog and I will wake up and be in a whole new blog, with whole new Friendsters and testimonials, and my entire profile will be some other profile that is the real me. Do I even look like the pictures on my profile page?

This episode only confirms my theory that I have hidden psionic abilities. Like Professor X with a fauxhawk and no wheelchair.
link to this post   1:46 PM by Trey | (0)

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