So it is settled; Melissa, Sonia, and I are living together in San Fransisco this summer. Our generous host is the man!

Thanks to Jare's ever-watchful eye, I have spent the last hour figuring out a CSS bug in Netscape 4.0. Since I planned this design to be modular and using includes alone, the change should be seamless. I will upload it all tomorrow (bleh). Now I remember the nicest feature of hosting my site on my own server. If a change it made, it is made instantly, without inconsistencies or alternate file sets.

Posts are going to be a little light for the rest of the week because I have a programming project/logic design/paper/lab report due. In the meantime, tell me how much my site sucks/rocks/makes you want you hire me...
link to this post   2:21 AM by Trey | (0)

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