The heiresses to the Hilton forture (yeah, the ho-tels) are these two bombshells named Paris and Nicky. I was reading up on the Hilton sisters on the net, and it turns out that they are chronic socialites and drug addicts. Big surprise. But who cares, because they are hot and rich, right? Anyway, there was an article in Vanity Fair about them that I was reading. The interviewer went to their house for dinner and pretty much let their conversations tell the story. It was uncomfortable to read since they talk like teenagers, but are treated like celebrities. The younger one was having her 15 seconds of fame when out of the blue...
"Suddenly Nicky shrieks. She jumps up and starts flailing all over the porch like a pony that's been shot with a BB gun. A dark beetle has landed on her.

Perfect; journalistic talent is running low these days. To the author's credit, the article almost made me feel sorry for them. But just that "poor-little-slutty-cokehead-rich-girl" kinda sorry, ya know.
link to this post   2:15 PM by Trey | (0)

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