I am posting this with a system that seems to be in the midst of its death rattle. Pyra Labs has been reduced to one employee, the CEO. This company has been the ideal place that I would like to work since over a year ago. The founders are the people that helped me fall in love with what I do. Their drive and product epitomized everything that I thought was right with the web, as opposed to the get-rich-quick mentality of the dot-commers. They are people that I read about almost every day, and I feel like a group of my friends is moving away. I feel like I am jumping into the quicksand myself, most of the San Francisco web people that I know have been laid off. Well, I am moving there after school ends and I want to get a job in...that's right, a dot-com.

Poo hole.
link to this post   9:37 PM by Trey | (0)

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