Ok...well I wanted to switch to the new design as soon as possible because I am on the prowl for summer employment. I wouldn't want people coming to the site and thinking that I am the guy that was in the corner right? Strangely, I have not changed the template on my resume page. Soon. I will miss that design, but too many people got the wrong idea and were calling me saying, "Trey, would you like to talk about anything? Are you OK? You sure?" So it is nice to know that you would support me in my times of need, but it is just a web page. Thanks.

Anyway, I was having some major problems with money in the last few days (regarding tuition), but all of that is cleared up now. I think. I'm still nervous. So the new look is pretty...pretty awesome! Well I like it. There is more to come. I have decided that the time is come for a little Flash integration...
link to this post   4:09 PM by Trey | (0)

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